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J. Food Science. 42:1380.This study investigated the effects of five different high PUFA oils on consumer preference of fried foods. Sunflower, soy, safflower, maize and a mixed vegetable were the oils tested. Fatty acid analysis of the oils was also included. Thomas, M. sexy plump women J., T. Thornburg, J. Manning, K. Hooper, and L. L. Rudel. 1994. Fatty acid composition of low-density lipoprotein influences its susceptibility to autoxidation. Biochemistry. sexy plump women 33:1828-34. Trevithick, H.P. and M.F. Lauro. 1929. A method of testing pure lard. Differentiating lard and sexy plump women lard compounds, particularly those containing hydrogenated vegetable oils. Journal American Oil Chemists Society 6(12):21.This
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