Fisher, J.D. 1933. Shortening steve jobs fat diets

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Fisher, J.D. 1933. Shortening value of plastic fats. Ind. Eng. Chem. 25:1171.The fat diets use of different types of fats in varying concentrations on the breaking strengths and shortening values of pie pastry were compared. Frankel, E. N., E. J. Parks, R. Xu, B. 0. Schneeman, P. A. Davis. 1994. Effect of n-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil supplementation on the oxidation of low density lipoproteins. Lipids. 29:233-6. Frankel, E. N. 1998. fat diets Lipid Oxidation. The Oily Press LTD, Dundee, Scotland. I fat diets - 289. Freeman, I.P., F.B. Padley, and V.L. Sheppard. 1973. Use of silicones in frying oils. Journal American Oil Chem. Sco. 50(4): 101. Frei, B., Y. Yamamoto, D. Niclas, and B. N. Ames. 1988. Evaluation of an isoluminol chemiluminescence assay for the detection of hydroperoxides in human blood plasma. Anal Biochem. 175:120-30. Friedewald, W. T., R. 1. Levy, and D.
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