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Jordan, R. 1944. A study of hydrogenated lard and other shortenings as culinary fats. Bull. 498. Indiana Exp. Sta., Lafayette, Indiana.Soft lard was partially hdyrogenated to determine if there was an effect on its culinary qualities. Keuhl, R. 0. 1994. Statistical Principles of Research Design and Analysis. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, CA. 529-55 1. Keys, A., 1994 A. Menotti, M. J. Karvonen, C. Aravanis, H. Blackburn. 1986. 1994 The diet and 15-year death rate in the seven countries study. Am Journal EpidemioL 124:903-15. Koman, V. and J. Kotuc. 1976. computer determination of chemical and physical values of fats and 1994 oils from GLC fatty acid composition, acid value and titer. Journal American Oil Chemists Society 53:563.Acid
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