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1972. Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Clin blood clot Chem. 18:499-502. Fudano, S., T. Kusuyama, K. Yashima, S. Terai and K. Konishi. 1977. Computer-controlled automatic titration system and its application to the analysis of fats and oils. Journal American Oil Chemists Society 54:367.A description of an automatic titration system using a micro-computer blood clot is given. Saponification values, amine values, acid values and chlorine and chloride content obtained by manual titration procedures are compared with the values blood clot obtained using the automatic titration system. Graziano, V.J. 1978. Quick test answers question of frying fat quality. Food Prod. Develop. 12(2):16.This article discusses the use of the Foodoil-Sensor Oil Quality Analyzer to evaluate "fry life" for oils used in deep-fat frying. Gunstone, F.D. 1967. An introduction to the Chemistry and Biochemistry of Fatty Acids and their Glycerides.
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