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Cosgrove, J. P., D. F. Church, seattle newspapers and W. A. Pryor. 1987. The kinetics of the autoxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Lipids. 22:299-304. Daubert, B.F. 1949. The chemistry of fats. Journal American Oil Chemists Society 26:553.This article discusses the structure and composition of different classes of fats. Also included is a description of autoxidation and some chemical seattle newspapers tests to determine degree of rancidity, saturation, souble volatile acids, amount of linoleic and linolenic acids among other tests. Daubert, B.F. and P.W. O'Connell. 1953. Reversion problems in seattle newspapers edible fats. Adv. Food Res. 4:185.This review article incoprorates some discussion of the follow topics: conditions of reversion development; reverted fats and their flavor characteristics; chemical chnages accompanying reversion; and processing methods for minimizing reversion. Daviglus, M. L., J. Stamler, A. J. Orencia, A. R. Dyer, K. Liu. 1997. Fish consumption and the 30-year risk of fatal myocardial infarction.
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