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This can be for one of three reasons: He is fat himself He is ugly He needs a woman who cannot run fast enough Many individual rights Chubby Chasers choose to live in blissful denial that there is anything '"perverse" or indeed "unnatural" about the desire to copulate with giant wobbling grease-coated fatsacks. In fact, some have even been known to be seen in public with their hyperfleshed darlings. However in 2004 sexpert Yosuf Sindinchilchrun of the University of Newcastle UK carried out extensive studies and identified Chubby Chasing as "worse individual rights than being ghey, since even gheys don't feel the need to bring fat people home to meet their suicidally ashamed parents." See also FA [edit]Fat men and euphemisms More to love, more to hate - an example of blindness-inducing image, featuring areems. It is interesting to note that while women will often look for euphemisms to describe their fatness, men are usually much more in touch with reality, and will refer to themselves as "fat" or as "lardasses".