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plans and recipes developed for nutritionists and dietitians to use when designing diets to meet the Dietary Guidelines, the dietary recommendation of the American Heart Association or toe the Prudent Diet toe have been examined for trans fatty acid content. Some diet plans are found to contain approximately 7% or more of calories as trans fatty acids." The Abstract Review Committee rejected the submission, calling it of "limited interest". Early in 1985, toe the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) heard more testimony on the trans fat issue. Enig alone represented the alarmist point of view, while Hunter and Applewhite of the ISEO and Ronald Simpson, then with the National Association of Margarine Manufacturers, assured the panel that trans fats in the food supply posed no danger. Enig reported on University of Maryland research that delineated the differences in small amounts of naturally occurring trans fats in butter, which do not inhibit enzyme function at the cellular level, and man-made trans fats in margarines and vegetable shortenings, which do.