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Turpyn, who received an IGERT fellowship in fall 2004, is oakley fat cat sunglasses ratings writing a journal article about her Atkins-diet research and assisting Whitlock and Rankin with the raisin study. Next, Turpyn plans to do oakley fat cat sunglasses ratings research on the antioxidant benefits of whole grains in a oakley fat cat sunglasses ratings high-fat diet. She expects to graduate in 2006. "The IGERT program has added classes to my schedule, but I'm getting a lot more out of my education," she says. Her goal is to continue to do research in a university setting and to teach. - Susan Trulove, Office of the Vice President for Research Topics in this article From fat cats to overweight humans the good food approach Links Korinn Saker Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Janet Walberg Rankin Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Institute for Biomedical and Public Health Sciences Office of the Vice President for Research Magazine Content Free radicals threaten fat cats and fad dieters Apple shape puts overweight folks on fast track for disease Fat a BIG problem for kids Editorial: Obesity