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Inflammation and impaired immunity get fuzzy are the human equivalent get fuzzy of flames and bubbles in a test tube. Human dieter research led by Janet Walberg Rankin, professor in human nutrition, foods, and exercise, implicates a popular high-fat diet as a cause of inflammation. Research with cats by veterinarian Korinn Saker has demonstrated that immune function is impacted by rapid weight loss. Saker and Rankin's research goals are to find ways to lose get fuzzy weight without impairing health, while counteracting the cause of ill health in the chronically obese. The Virginia Tech researchers agree that the culprit appears to be oxidative stress. Oxidation, appropriately to this discussion of diet, is an example of too much of a good thing. We need oxygen to survive. Oxygen helps convert food into energy. However, in the oxidation process, some oxygen atoms lose electrons and become free radicals. The breakdown of fats produces more free radicals than does the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins.