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The researchers were looking at whether a high protein or a high-carbohydrate diet would minimize oxidative stress. The results are that high-protein, low carbohydrate diets minimize oxidative 157826197x damage to cells in obese patients, even during weight loss, at least in cats, Saker reports. What about humans? People might have a hard time with a 157826197x diet designed for cats. - to overweight humans Saker has been sharing her research process and results with colleagues in a 157826197x group whose focus is oxidation. One of the group members is Janet Rankin. Rankin has done much of her research on sports nutrition and was recently vice president of the American College of Sports Medicine. "But sports nutrition is not a huge public health problem," she says. "I did my Ph.D. research on obesity (University of California, Davis) and now the IGERT grant on oxidative processes has gotten me interested in returning to that topic from an exciting perspective." Researchers from three different colleges have been awarded a five-year, $3.2