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If you assume that slimming us down is a proper goal of government, it’s hard to see the objection to policies that show promise of actually working, as opposed to enriching lawyers or making a statement. While the idea of legally japan compelled jumping jacks may seem utterly fanciful (as the japan Twinkie tax did until recently), it is by no means the most extreme scenario suggested by a government-waged war on fat. As economist Tomas Philipson notes, Americans have been getting japan fatter for at least a century, primarily because of developments that have been tremendously positive on balance. Technological improvements in agriculture and processing have made food so cheap that even the poorest people in developed countries can afford to eat more than they need to survive. (Indeed, the poorest Americans are the fattest -- an astonishing reversal of the relationship between wealth and weight that prevailed for most of human history.)
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