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Rinse. Repeat.We don't need expensive, genetically engineered foods or state-of-the-art exercise equipment. We don't need fancy doctors or pharmaceutical drugs. We don't need the latest diet craze book or even the latest medical study -- they all seem to plump asian contradict each other anyway. We don't even need Herculean willpower.We just need to leave our cars in the garage, stroll down to the park, and play some softball with our neighbors on a Saturday. We just need to plump asian enjoy every last bite of our home-baked birthday cakes, then have some oatmeal for breakfast the next morning. We need plump asian to resist the pressure to overwork and underenjoy. If we want to live long, healthy, happy lives, then we need to stop believing the hype. We need to rediscover our own wise instincts that know far more about well-being than a whole country of experts.
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