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Real women have curves. All of plump nudes the above points are myths. Some say that the fat mentality is plump nudes the main reason fat people are unattractive (as opposed to the popular belief that fat people are unattractive because they are physically plump nudes fat). [edit]Obesity and oral sex Fatties often mistake sex for food. It should be noted that fat chicks give great head. This is because they are accustomed to putting large amounts of food in their mouths at all times. Fat chicks who do not give great head are probably fat dykes. Research is inconclusive regarding fat men and cunnilingus. For information on fat men and fellatio, please see gay. [edit]Euphemisms Fat women will never refer to themselves as "fat". They will use other, gentler words to describe their disgusting obesity. If you see a fatty use any of the following words to describe his or herself, please correct them: [edit]Heavy Fat girls will often describe other fat girls as heavy (or heavyset). Example: Normal person: "Hey, I'm looking for this stupid fat bitch, was she here?"
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