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(wry grin) margaret macdonald I am reminded of General Vandergrift's margaret macdonald remark that, in a mix-it-up fight, he'd rather have an Aussie at his back than anyone else. And let us not forget the latest contribution, Hugh Jackman! Heh. Posted by Casey Tompkins on September 21, 2003 at 11:57 PM Victor, Casey described me correctly. Not a racist at all. But a culturalist? All the way. In other words: Koreans, Chinese and Japs are all members of the same race, more or less. But the historical development of these three people are separate and led to distinctive cultures. Each have their separate charactistics which people may find admirable, disgusting, or draw no reaction at all, depending on the viewer's own culture. Same as with black africans and their north American, Caribbean and European relatives. Cultures among these peoples wildly differ even though their race is more or less homogeneous. Why, therefore, would these generalizations not be true of white Europeans as well?