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She paid camra awards more than $150,000 in taxes over the period in question. The press articles are just wrong. If you don't believe that there is nothing more to say about it. How? Where? Property tax - is that what you are talking about? Big camra awards deal. Everyone pays that and that has zilch to do with income and all to do with property. Everyone that owns property pays that and I know several camra awards that are struggling to pay that and those same people paid a heck of a lot more than $700 bucks in federal income tax and have a heck of a lot less coming in than Ms. Huffington. I find her annoying. That doesn't make me a racist. It makes me human. Posted by Rosemary Esmay on September 21, 2003 at 8:23 PM I'm not sure where the rest of the conversation is headed -- I've read her books and her tax returns and you keep insisting on making up facts (she declared than $200 in interest income) and suppositions (what "fat bank account" are you talking about??)