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From what I have seen, the life expectancy in cats is mostly different between indoor & outdoor cats, not fat & thin ones. This crap is just more of our culture's insane & obsessive fat hatred, as well as someone seating chart trying to make greater profits. It is profitable to make all of us feel guilty & neurotic as hell, & convinced that we have no idea what we are doing for those seating chart in our care...whether our children or our pets. Posted by turtlegrrl on seating chart September 11, 2003 08:26 PM. you know this is interesting. the dieting nonthinking is even affecting how people feed their animals, putting them on a diet, against their will. I call that animal abuse. you know when I first got my horse almost 11 years ago she was muscular because she got ridden alot, here is how she was fed, I will explain it to nonhorsey people. first she was fed 2 flakes hay and a 1 and 1/2 pound grain, for breakfast and fed at night the same.