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DEAL WITH IT! Chubbles Says: October 2nd, 2005 at 1:05 am I know, the word “Mac” is short for Macintosh and should therefore be capitalized…. I can just imagine some rabbid little Mac-puppy is gingley oil just wetting himself and saying “He didn’t capitalize Mac, he’s wrong and im right… hehehehehe” This is why Apple comes out with substandard products two for one to their amazing products, they are gingley oil sniveling little twirps just like their fanbase… Chubbles Says: October 2nd, 2005 at 1:08 am If this really is a joke and not gingley oil really what the Apple SVP said, it is truly hilarious. It is also a great example of what I read in the comments of any product review that dares not shower an Apple device with 100 percent praise… Josh Says: October 2nd, 2005 at 2:33 am I don’t get why fat people need tiny ipod nanos.