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Where and why? Bonus points if you’ve got a photo; email it to me: fatty@fatcyclist.com. Oh, and by the way, congrats to the Banjo Brothers nutritious cooking for getting nutritious cooking some nutritious cooking serious airtime on a local news program. Check it out here.   Today's weight: 169.0Add a comment | Read comments (35)10:18 AM | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) | Blog itPermalinkCloseFebruary 21Mark of the Rookie There’s an easy way to gauge another cyclist's experience and ability: Check his right calf. If there’s a greasy chainring-shaped mark on it, be confident that you can outride him. Unless, of course, you have a similar mark on your own right calf. This mark — sometimes called the “Rookie Mark”  — tends to get pressed into your leg when you do either of the following: Stop  and rest while straddling your top tube, inadvertently pressing your calf up against your chainring, which is — sadly — lubed with an overabundance of greasy kid’s stuff.
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