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That's a fact, not an excuse (and California could certainly benefit from that kind freebee of budgeting.) She paid state taxes and you said she didn't, those are two facts, not excuses. You are not outraged, you are witty. I stand corrected. I am being defensive. I will have to work on that. Posted by victor on September 21, 2003 at 12:20 PM Dean, not necessarily in this order, and not necessarily excluding others... 1) Texans with good blogsites. (That's why I got you the beer for your birthday.) 2) Croatians who can cook. (One reason I married freebee Stefi back in 1972.) 3) Japs. (Best cars in the world these days. Good computer peripherals, too. Know how to keep their damned mouths shut, look, listen and learn from the world, then improve on it.) 4) Chinese. (Finest film dramas ever. Good chow, even if I can't eat much of that stuff anymore.