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(She also paid state and humor / jokes & riddles federal employee taxes, more data missing from the Times.) Having said that, do you really think there is no difference between a freelance writer who takes a loss humor / jokes & riddles one year and a huge profit the next and a coporation that pays out millions of dollars to political parties just to avoid paying 10s of millions in taxes? humor / jokes & riddles OK, to each his/her own... Posted by victor on September 20, 2003 at 11:20 PM I've thought for years that Huffington was a complete moron, ever since I saw her do that stupid thing called "Odd Bedfellows" on Bill Maher's old show back in 1996. She sat around talking about how wonderful Ken Starr was and how much she hoped Bob Dole would beat Bill Clinton. She irritated me not because of her position so much as the fact that she couldn't say anything intelligent in defense of it. Then she had a Road to Damascus experience, and began hawking a Ralph Nader-style message--and in just as shallow and stupid a way as she spouted Republican party-line drivel.