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Dylan Group E-rmx Fatcat trance Compilation FatCat Records Fennez/Main Foehn Fonn Giddy Motors Grain Grindverk Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson/ Sigur Ros Him Immense Insync James Plotkin / Pimmon Janek Schaefer Kid 606/ Christoph De Babalon Konono No.1 Konono No.1 / The Dead C Live Human Matmos/ Motion Max Richter trance Metaphrog / Hey / Múm Mice Parade Mum Mum / Hey / Metaphrog Pan American/ Janek Schaefer Party Of One Process Process/ Dat Politics Programme QT?/Alejandra& Aeron Realistics Req/ Team Doyobi Semiconductor Set Fire To Flames Sigur Rós Songs of Green Pheasant Sons Of The Sun Splinter Series Split Series 9-16 Compilation Split Series Compilation 1-8 Stromba Sylvain Chauveau The Bug The Ivytree / Chris Smith The Mutts To Rococo Rot Tom Brosseau Transient Waves Ultra Red Ultra Red/ Anna Planeta V/vm/ Third Eye Foundation Various Artists Vashti Bunyan Vetiver Xinlisupreme Welcome to the new FatCat Records Press Site.