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"What this survey has done is illustrate the importance of all the different elements of remuneration. You cannot cost free just look at salaries. "It’s only when you look at the whole package that you understand how much they are paid." Author: Management Issues News RELATED ITEMS cost free SINCE THIS FIRST APPEARED U.S. bosses not worth the money Keeping up the pressure on 'rewards for failure' Investment giant turns on 'rewards for failure' Fat-Cat pay pushed up by 'performance-related' bonuses Transatlantic pay gap narrows A radical diet for fat cats Great to Gutless to Greedy A licence to cost free print money RELATED ITEMS EARLIER ARTICLES Performance-related pay or fat-cat clap-trap? Merry Christmas Mr Fat Cat Performance-related pay is a nonsense Restraining directors' pay Boardroom pay soars as share prices plummet Public trust in big business collapsing Reining in the fat cats EXTERNAL LINKS We have no other relevant links RSS Feeds | more info Tell us about your research We always welcome hearing about new research, be it from the UK, Europe or internationally.