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Use the free stuff samples following certificate code JYXN-DU3N-IBUT while signing up. Login to the zap2it website and setup a TV lineup. Download Fat Cat and put the same login and password you use for the zap2it site in the preferences dialog. Load the listings with Fat Cat. REQUIREMENTS Mac OS X 10.3 or later. Developer:joeshortsleeve Downloads:1,182 - Version d/l:111 Home & Personal:Arts License:Free Date:29 free stuff samples Oct 2005 Platform:PPC RATING Write A Review | 6 Reviews Fat Cat User Reviews (6 posts)Write A Review Oct 29 2005 free stuff samples SMALLDUCK The way the information laid out is not very useful. Its less common that one wants to browse what's on one channel, but instead what's on all channel at a certain time.This is a good demo of retrieving zap2it data to an OS X app, but the main interface needs to be rethought.