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Discussion events Papers. [Downloadable!] J.Peter Neary, 2003. "Globalisation and Market Structure," DNB Staff Reports (discontinued) 100, Netherlands Central Bank. [Downloadable!] Other versions: J. Peter Neary, 2003. "Globalization and Market Structure," Journal of the European Economic Association, MIT Press, vol. 1(2), pages 245-271. [Downloadable!]Jacob K. Goeree, 2000. "Bidding for the Future," events Virginia Economics Online Papers 346, University of Virginia, Department of Economics. [Downloadable!] Paolo Coccorese, 2001. "Strategic Advertising for Entry Deterrence events Purposes," CELPE Discussion Papers 61, CELPE (Centre of Labour Economics and Economic Policy), University of Salerno, Italy. [Downloadable!] Vives, Xavier, 2004. "Innovation and Competitive Pressure," CEPR Discussion Papers 4369, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers. [Downloadable!] Lommerud, Kjell Erik & Sørgard, Lars, 2002. "Entry in Telecommunication: Customer Loyalty, Price Sensitivity and Access Prices," CEPR Discussion Papers 3502, C.E.P.R.