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Skip directly to: Search Box, Section Navigation, Content. Text Version. @import url("http://fdimages.fairfax.com.au/cui/netstrip-20050427.css"); NEWS | MYCAREER | DOMAIN | jim davis DRIVE | FINANCE | MOBILE | RSVP | STAYZ member centre | login | register Fat cats thrive as schools struggle By Kelly Burke, Education ReporterNovember 26, 2004 Page Tools Email to a friend Printer format The number of senior education bureaucrats jim davis in NSW drawing salaries of more than $230,000 has more than doubled in the past year. This is despite State Government jim davis promises that a restructure would dramatically reduce the size and administration costs of the behemoth NSW Department of Education and Training. The NSW Teachers' Federation says although the Government has been able to find money for "fat cat" bureaucrats, public schools had to beg for resources.