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My point, in each case has been to present you with flaws in critical parts of that argument. First knighthawks flaw is in assuming that the average campaign donor is of average means. Second flaw is in the old Mona Charen argument about us having most of the million dollar donors- true, but knighthawks misleading as to where most of our money and the GOP’s money is coming from. 3rd knighthawks flaw is in the one that implies individual donations are lower amongst the Democrats and higher among the Republicans, and vice versa for the PAC donations. As you can see, I haven’t objected randomly at all. Tanya- Have you considered that he might not have the dexterity to bounce all over the keyboard, given his neurological tissue damage? Posted by: Stephen Daugherty at February 20, 2006 10:59 PM tanya every comment, i made to you was ,in response to your attack the messenger and not the message, and yes stephen not quite as fast as i was fifteen years ago.