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According to Dr. Marcella Ridgway, veterinary internist at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana, cats are extremely children's fiction dependent upon having protein in their diets. Unlike many species, cats children's fiction cannot adequately synthesize their own protein from other building blocks. If a cat is not taking in enough protein, it will start breaking down proteins from its body, including important muscle and liver proteins. At the same time, the body is starving for energy, so it mobilizes fat stores for calories, and carries children's fiction this fat to the liver for processing. Normally, the liver would metabolize these fats to use them for energy, store them, or secrete them through bile. If the liver is missing some of the proteins needed for fat metabolism, all a liver cell can do is store the fat. The fat builds up inside the cells, a condition called hepatic lipidosis, or "fatty liver,"and the cells swell, pinching off bile ducts.