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kg) in server 1983. More recently, the worlds smallest cat was server reported to be a male blue point Himalayan (Colourpoint Persian) named "Tinker Toy" who stands 7 cm (2.75 inches) at the shoulder and 19 cm (7.5 inches) long - presumably excluding tail. Information about his weight does not seem to be available so it isn't possible to compare server his size to that of "Pete". In November 2003 the Guinness Record was held by 2 year old Itse Bitse who measured 9.52 cm (3.75 inches) high and and 38.1 cm (15 inches) long. In July 2004, there were 3 other contenders for the Guinness title of "World's Smallest Living Domestic Cat". In July 2004, there were 3 other hopefuls for the Guinness title of "World's Smallest Living Domestic Cat". Mr Peebles, from Pekin, Illinois, USA, weighs only 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) at 2 years old (normal weight for a 2 year old cat is 8 - 10 lbs/3.6