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MORE ANOMALIES If you have come to this page directly from a search engine, please check out FELINE MEDICAL CURIOSITIES for the full index of topics including What Causes Medical Curiosities? rats Extra or Deformed Toes, Paws and Limbs, Split Foot, Twisted Limbs, Mummification of Limbs, Accidental Part-Amputation of Limbs, Curly Tails Conjoined Kittens Anomalies of the Fur and Skin: Green Kitten, Hairlessness, Curly Fur, All Black Siamese (Porphyria?), Pink Cats Facial Deformities: Hydrocephaly, Cleft Palate, Anomalies of the Eyes and Ears, Two-Headed/Two-faced Kittens Anomalies of Size: Dwarf Cats, Giant Cats, Fat Cats rats Miscellaneous Anomalies: The Dancing Cats of rats Japan BOOKS ABOUT ANOMALIES If you are interested in medical curiosities, books worth reading are "Mutants: on the Form, Varieties and Errors of the Human Body" by Armand Marie Leroi and "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine Vols 1 and 2" by George M.