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What?! Kids know Ronald McDonald but they don't know Jebus?! A diet of only fast food will make me fat?! Garsh, I gots ter stop eatin' a them fancy ristorants. monosaturated Dipsticks. My god, a whole third extra trans-fat? But I METICULOUSLY calculated the fat content to include certain McDonalds meals in my diet... If you monosaturated want monosaturated to lose weight, don't eat fast food. Mcdonald's food is terrible, so is BK's, so is Dairy Queen's, so is Wendy's, so is every fast food restaraunt. Why? Because it's FRIED IN GREASE. It's not good for you. Duh. And healthy alternatives... Healthy alternatives in Mcdonalds. In MCDONALD'S. Am I the only person who sees how ridiculous this is?! If you want a "healthy alternative", make the damn salad yourself, you cretins. [reply] by triphop on 2/09/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] - 1 digg @grislygus Morgan Spurlock made a funny movie on a number of simple premises. So that makes him conniving because, why? He attacked a poor liddle corporation - snookums - how sad.
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