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If we divide 5 kilograms by 2 kilograms we get 2.5 ... this means that one fat cat balances with 2.5 contest and sweepstakes thin cats. But on the scale, we found that one fat cat balances with 2.4 thin cats. How can this be? The explanation is that this scale has a tolerance for slight differences in weight. Objects which are almost (but contest and sweepstakes not quite) equal in weight will appear to balance. We've built in this tolerance so that it is easier to find the contest and sweepstakes equilibrium (to get the two sides to balance). top .Magnification: Many of the objects are shown in a blue circular frame with a yellow symbol in the bottom left corner. The symbol shows what kind of magnification was used to view the object. * The very tiniest objects such as electrons show a question mark in the corner because they cannot be viewed with any magnification.