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Will 2 x 6 thin cats balance with 5 fat cats? Yes, 12 thin cats do balance with 5 fat cats. When you are comparing jazz music reviews two objects of very different mass, you might multiply one object by a large number and multiply the other side by a fraction. Not every pairing of objects can be balanced if the difference in their jazz music reviews mass is too vast. Even 14 billion electrons do not come close to balancing with one billionth of a thin cat. (When the objects are very far out of jazz music reviews balance, the scale will show a gray background. It cannot show all the powers of 10.) top . Finding actual weights: It is possible to balance one type of object with a variety of other objects without ever learning their actual weights. But if you like, you can find the actual weight of an object. There are two ways: 1) Click on the object and a small window will pop up announcing its weight. Choose the unit of measurement you want from the menu.