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Let's just funny postcards say they leave a bad taste in my mouth. But Ariana Stassinopoulos Huffington is another outstanding reason that, among all the European peoples, I have learned over a long lifetime funny postcards to trust Greeks the least. Depending on whom she was wedded to at any given moment, or which bankwagon she could crawl onto, her politics seem to have shifted from one end of the spectrum to the other. The news that this women -- one of the richer in California from what I understand -- pays little or no funny postcards taxes is hardly a surprise. As a small-time businessman I would try to do the same if I could get away with it. But Stassinopoulos-Huffington makes such hot and heavy wind about corporate tax cheats, and sounds off so continuously about "democracy" in all of its variegated ramifications, that one wonders why she doesn't boogie on over to the cashier's window at which folks pay to help the less fortunate.