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The text of one such email follows: a recently posted file (sysinfo.exe) is an insidious and deadly VIRUS ! also known as the fatcat virus, due to its tendency to eat mice, this is the most indestructible virus known to (wo)man !!! under NO circumstances should you download this file ... what you have done so already ?!? that's too bad, now your mouse is dead ! time to go and buy a new secret internet fatties one secret internet fatties ... better yet, buy 20 as this virus is self-replicating and will infect at least 12 and up to 18 mice no matter what secret internet fatties you do. no anti-virus program has yet been able to eradicate all traces of this vile, extractor-type, virus and cases of the anti-virus program being infected and ultimately mutated by this virus have been recorded. what this means is that the virus will actually copy a small hidden file onto you anti-virus disk and this will then be activated everytime the anti-virus program is used.