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The link between pay and executive performance harper paperback was a "nonsense", Halliwell said at the time.Meanwhile IRS also found that the average CEO has a pension pot worth £7m, compared with shares and options worth £5.8m. On average, pension awards not related to performance accounted for 20 per harper paperback cent of annual pay."Most CEOs have much more in their pension pot than they have invested in shares of their company. Should it not be the other way round?" asked the report's author, IRS Director Cliff Weight.In the same study last year, Weight slammed companies for failing to make clear harper paperback in their annual reports the real sums being paid to their executives, saying that "CEOs are getting bread, butter, jam and cream." The same lack of transparency has muddied the waters this year, the report said, because the real value of a CEO's pension and share awards – and thus their total remuneration package - is not disclosed in companies' annual reports.And