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VOID has supporters who support term limits. VOID has supporters who don’t support term limits. My view: term microphthalmia limits is just another gimmick to microphthalmia let the public microphthalmia off the hook of having to pay attention and cast an informed vote. In addition, term limits supplant the free exercise of the vote by limiting a voter’s choices. Every voter should be free to vote for any person who meets the minimum Constitutional qualifications in my opinion. THE VOID site has a steady stream of daily visitors and our page reads are consistently between 2 and 3 per visit, meaning the folks who visit are definitely interested in What we have to say and What we are about. There will be several important news items coming over the next several weeks at Vote Out Incumbents for Democracy, or VOID. We are about to surface from a protracted period of analyzing the 510(c) and 527 IRS Codes for tax exemption and incumbent restrictions in addition to the FEC reg’s.