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It’s not necessarily a matter of moral righteousness. Climate change is supported by scientific research. The actions of Exxon are motivated, not east rochester by fact, and not by what is right, but by what is profitable in the short-term. The Republicans are taking Exxon’s money, and they are complicit in furthering its agenda. There is a very real and important difference between Republicans and Democrats. The latter favor fighting factors contributing to climate change. Jack, I’m pretty sure you side with the east rochester Democrats on this one. For the rest of you- What’s your excuse? Posted by: phx8 at February 19, 2006 12:38 AM dale,sounds like i hit a nerve! now just settle down, whats the old saying a fox smells its own hole first! now if you want to debate my last blog fell free! nope you just rather play the i am smarter than you game, just like i said in my last blog, dems plant that fear, hate,and false hope, weres your substance!