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no-repeat 0 -2px;} .domestic a:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 -2px;} .int a:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 -2px;} .extraLink {padding:10px 0 0 0;} UK version International version News Front Page World pittsford UK England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Business Politics Health Education Science/Nature Technology Entertainment ----------------- Have Your Say Magazine In Pictures Week at a Glance Country Profiles In Depth Programmes BBC Sport BBC Weather CBBC News On This Day Newswatch Last Updated: Sunday, 16 January, 2005, pittsford 17:24 GMT E-mail this to a friend Printable version Former fat cat named top slimmer Mischief was posed next to the weight in butter which he lost A black and white moggy who was too fat for his cat flap has been named the joint winner of the 2005 Pet Slimmer of the Year contest.