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All negative. Which is to say, negative news is good news. I hereby declare myself relieved.Add cooking / wine a comment | Read comments (15)1:23 PM | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) | Blog itPermalinkCloseMarch 07One Down. Yesterday I accepted a new job, which means I’ll be leaving my old job. Which means I’ll be moving back to Utah. Last night I also got cooking / wine a good night’s sleep — the first I’ve had in about four days. I swear, I can deal with just about any amount of stress if I’ve got cooking / wine a reasonable level of sleep. And if I’ve had a good night’s sleep and a good burrito for lunch, I’m basically invincible. Increasingly fat, but invincible. The Reasons There are a lot of factors behind this change, but I’m just going to list the ones that are Fat Cyclist-relevant: El Azteca: There is nothing in the world quite like their Chicken Chipotle burrito.