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I never do. When I’m on the bike, I like to hear what’s going on around me, and fat girls pictures I like to let my thoughts wander.  Mostly, this is fine. My mind bounces from one topic to the next, sometimes landing on  a funny or interesting thought, or occasionally suddenly solving what I had previously thought was an unsolvable dilemma. Once fat girls pictures in a while, though, my mind gets stuck on something. On the way in to work Friday, for example, I found myself — for no reason I can think of — mentally chanting the list of fat girls pictures common linking verbs a teacher had taught my class back in fifth grade. I didn’t want it in my head. I tried to get it out of my head. But it wouldn’t leave. To make things worse, I couldn’t remember the whole chant. Just that one part. So while part of me was trying to get the stupid thing out of my head, another part of me was trying to puzzle out how the rest of the chant went. Luckily, my ride to work isn’t that long, and the chant is now out of my head.
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