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53. Posted by LaydeeBug on February 21, 2006 11:28 AM #42 Tracie, I was thinking the same thing. Oh and why do people have diuretics to get all serious when posting. It's like they are playing the pity card, like diuretics "Don't fight back with me, I'm saaaaad." Funerals have no place here. Oh and before you get all "I can say what I want", you CAN post what you want. But, diuretics I'm just saying I don't understand why anyone would try to bring down the room (as if THAT could happen). 54. Posted by amma on February 21, 2006 02:42 PM ....As for Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow...She charged 1 mill just to read for that role. Not to accept it, just to read for the part. I know this for fact. Personally, I'm just glad to see her fat. She's been good in some things, I have to give credit there. She's classy. 55. Posted by Queen LaQueefah on February 21, 2006 03:00 PM what in the HELL is up with this writing?
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