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Search of the Elusive 'Negative Fat Intake'!The hysterical anti-fat vitriole that spews forth from some anti-fat faddists leads me to believe that if these clowns could eat a 'negative-fat' diet, they would! As for their argument that young plump the above trials didn't lower fat enough, one has to wonder how creating even greater deficiencies in valuable young plump nutrients, and predisposing one to greater risk of depression and anger--all of which low-fat diets have indeed been clinically documented to do--will in any way help prevent heart disease! Maybe these young plump folks have been eating low-fat so long that it's started to drain their brains; healthy human brains, after all, are 60% fat by weight!The authors of the MRC trial concluded that: "A low-fat diet has no place in the treatment of myocardial infarction." Despite being written over forty years ago, these words have largely been ignored by a medical and health hierarchy which seems to earnestly believe that if only it keeps flogging the dead low-fat horse, it will one-day magically spring to life.