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The aim of the process is to create the feel of a creamy liquid with the texture of fat. It works. Because its components have long been used as foods, FDA, on Feb. 23,1990, affirmed Simplesse as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) for use as a thickener or texturizer in frozen dessert products. Safety studies were not required. NutraSweet plans to seek FDA approval for use of Simplesse in additional products, such as mayonnaise, salad liberalism dressing, yogurt, dips, sour cream, butter, margarine, and cheese spreads. Simplesse cannot be used liberalism in cooking because baking or frying causes it liberalism to lose its creaminess. NutraSweet says, however, that "products made with Simplesse can be enjoyed with many hot foods." For example, it can be used in an imitation butter spread on toast or in a sour cream-type sauce used to top a baked potato. NutraSweet estimates that full use of Simplesse has the potential to decrease total dietary fat consumption by Americans by 14 percent and dietary cholesterol intake by 5 percent.