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Then shift slowly until your genitals are aligned. This way, you can completely avoid belly-to-belly contact." T-SOUARE POSITION- "One of the most effective positions is the 'T-square' technique," suggests used David Reuben. "The woman is in the usual position on her used back with her legs spread wide apart. Her partner lies with his hips under the arch formed by her raised legs. With both abdomens safely out of the way, penis and vagina have a clear field for fun." X POSITION- A modified T-square, the X position is another form of used acrobatic copulation recommended by Dr. Friedman. "Here, too, the woman lies on her back with her legs bent at the hips and her thighs spread as wide as possible. After the penis is inserted into the vagina, the woman then brings both legs together, while the man swings his body in either direction 45 degrees, thus forming a large X. The woman should contract the muscles of her vagina during this maneuver to avoid the possibility of the penis slipping out.