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Privacy Policy.     bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="0" fat ass white girls marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0"> Cardiovascular Disease Prevention En Español Healthy Heart - Eat Less Trans Fat Trans fat contributes to the development of heart disease - New York City's biggest killer. Many prepared foods contain trans fat - including most store-bought baked goods, margarine and vegetable shortening, fried foods and snack foods. fat ass white girls The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's Trans Fat Education Campaign aims to educate consumers, city restaurants and other food service establishments about why trans fat is bad for your heart and how it can be avoided. Read further fat ass white girls to learn how you can reduce trans fat consumption in New York City: Consumer Information Restaurant and Food Service Information Food Supplier and Supermarket Information Health Care Provider Information back to top Consumer Information Consumers can avoid trans fat in restaurants by asking about the fats and oils being used to cook their foods.
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