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At all times they let you know WHY you're doing something a particular way, and also give you all the shortcuts and techniques the pros use to speed workflow. Designing With Web Standards Jeffrey Zeldman This is one of the 0345429036 two best technical books I have ever read (the other being Chris & Trish Meyers' Creating Motion Graphics 0345429036 with After Effects . It 0345429036 takes a very talented writer to make something as potentially coma-inducing as web standards into a thoroughly enjoyable, dare I say, exciting, read. If you make websites (or hope to again one day), you owe it to yourself, and to your clients, to get this book. There's a new way of doing things, and it's ALL GOOD NEWS! I swear to God, it's a page-turner. About web standards. What kind of shit is that? Idlewild Nick Sagan We both worked with Nick at, and he's just about the nicest person you could ever wish to meet. He also wrote two of our favorite Star Trek: Voyager episodes. His first novel is being compared to works by Orson Scott Card and praised by the likes of Neil Gaiman and Stephen Baxter.