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There, they listen to Democratic activists lay out their strategy for defeating Bush. There is no fancy meal and no admission charge. But afterward, David, a former talent coordinator for The Late Show with David Letterman and wife of comedian Larry David, discreetly mentions that she has given $100,000 -- and could her guests please do the same? download "My job is to do everything I can to take the country back download from the right wing," she vows. And how. David has raised some $2 million for liberal 527 committees -- nonprofit groups named for a section of the tax code -- whose purpose is to bypass the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign-finance reforms. That makes her part of a new breed of fund-raiser taking advantage of chinks in the law to keep the cash coming. Call them the New Fat Cats. The reform measure has also given rise to a handful of even more effective fund-raisers: "super fat cats" such as billionaire George Soros, who support the 527s with huge gifts. Soros alone has given some $15 million to liberal causes.