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Whilst ‘Flesh Canoe’ is perhaps the only track that really recalls that influence directly, throughout the album is irradiated by a swirling web of guitar / piano melodies and shifting perspectives. There also seems to be an African influence in the playing - cyclical webs and staccato note-sprays; resounding choruses. ‘Feels’ is undoubtedly a very varied and beautifully flowing album. Running the gamut of emotions, it is by turns melancholic, hypnotic, caustic, woozy, overjoyed, introspective, and just plain achingly, heart-breakingly beautiful. 3 of the opening 4 tracks blast out jazz clubs an infectious sense of urgency and jazz clubs growing confidence – driven by pounding drums and yelping and hollering vocals; ‘Bees’ and Daffy Duck’ are slow-glowing ‘ambient’ sprawls; ‘Banshee Beat’ is as stunning as any track we’ve heard this year – both physically and emotionally it’s deeply affecting - a heart-melting, slow-spreading tingle of a track that positively demands a foot-shuffling reaction; ‘Loch Raven‘ builds around a sparkling jewel of an Aphex-y electronic melody, glistening piano notes, padding drums and vocal interplay; whilst ‘Turn