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Today's shake-up of legal aid will concentrate on high-cost trials, animals cats the 1% of criminal cases that absorb 49% of the budget. The package will also include plans to cut £15m from the fees lawyers earn from working on cases animals cats in which the accused pleads guilty or on trials that collapse at the last minute because the defendant switches the plea to guilty. Top of page ©2006 Associated New Media | Terms | Privacy policy sv=11;je=(nr.javaEnabled()?1:2); sv=12;s=screen;px=(iie>0?s.colorDepth:s.pixelDepth);sr=s.width+"&"+s.height; sv=13; function irs(s,f,r){var animals cats p=s.indexOf(f);while(p>=0){s=s.substring(0,p)+r+s.substring(p+f.length,s.length);p=s.indexOf(f)}return s} function cesc(s){if(s.length>0) return irs(irs(irs(irs(irs(s,'+','%2B'),'.','%2E'),'/','%2F'),'=','%3D'),'&','%26') ; else return s;} function iesc(s){return cesc(escape(s));} function itrc(){var nw=new Date(),ce=2, ex=new Date(nw.getTime()+100000),