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Posted by ajoyce on September 10, 2003 11:18 PM. What concerns me tremendously is that the article doesn't mention the fact that cats have a nycjazz VASTLY nycjazz different metabolism from dogs; you can, conceivably, put a dog on a nycjazz "diet" and have a thinner dog. You can put a cat on a "diet" and have a dead cat. If a cat is permitted to eat normal foods, when it's hungry, it will achieve whatever is normal for its body weight - cats, like people, come in very different body shapes - and a good many of them are not supposed to be "thin," however fashionable that may be for their owners. I have rescued, shared a house with, and placed over a hundred cats in my life, and have spent a LOT of time in the vet's office, and doing research. Not only can putting a cat on a reducing diet kill it, but there are a lot of feline illnesses where kitty stands a much better chance of surviving if he or she is heavier rather than thinner; I have had cats survive illnesses which were catastrophic (well, they were) because they had a bit of a cusion; and, sadly, had cats who did not survive, because they had no cushion.